Letter From Our


Youth Empowerment for Advancement Hangout, also known as YEAH Philly is not a conventional organization, nor do we intend to ever become one. We created YEAH because there’s a certain group of young people, who do not get the opportunities and support they deserve. We were created to serve the young people who are at the highest risk of or involved directly in the cycle of violence. Too often, this is the young Black person who’s been kicked out of their home, kicked out of school, and hasn’t received any high quality service from the programs that exist within our city. 


YEAH Philly will continue to be bold leaders when it comes to supporting young people in a way that isn’t done, and we will continue to invest in young people and our neighborhoods in a way that shows you what happens when people have access to the things they need. We will continue to push back against harmful practices of systems, while we work to create new ones that lift young people out of violence and poverty, and create new ways of living. 


As we embark on year six of existence, we’re thankful for those who fight with us and support us every step of the way. We’re thankful to the over 500 teens and young adults who continue to trust us and remain loyal to the cause of freedom. Our organization is getting bigger and stronger, and will keep fighting for liberation and justice in a world that isn’t kind. We’re in a time where people are in severe need, and places like Youth Empowerment for Advancement Hangout will keep blazing trails and creating best practices for teens and young adults who deserve so much more. We’re looking forward to a bright 2024 and hope you will remain committed to our cause, our organization, and doing what’s right for the young people who need us the most. 


With love,

Kendra and James